Mole Activity in Burnham-On-Crouch / Southminster

The mole is rarely seen, spending most of its life underground. The first sign of a mole problem is usually the appearance of several mounds of earth or molehills in the garden lawn or within the property grounds.

Actively digging throughout the year the mole establishes a large network of underground tunnels which become its habitat and feeding runs, there may be little evidence above ground of its presence.

Molehills spring up when the tunnel systems are being enlarged in preparation for the breeding season or when the moles are extending or repairing existing tunnels, unfortunately for some onto a nicely manicured lawn or perfectly conditioned golf course or playing field.

The tunnels vary in depth from just beneath the surface of the ground to about 70cm down and can be over 70 metres long. The shallow surface tunnels are short lived, with the deeper tunnels being used for breeding and feeding.

The mole regularly patrols its network of tunnels in search of earthworms, insects and grubs. Research suggests that the mole works and sleeps at four hourly intervals, becoming more active early in the morning and at dusk.

Moles are often referred to as being solitary and territorial and not tolerating others; although our experience has proved that several can be active in one area. Up to 20 moles have been caught in an area the size of a square acre. Moles are aggressive and will fight over territories.

Why Control Moles?

Mole control is needed when the digging activities of a mole causes damage and destruction. Moles thrive in a variety of situations, especially well drained soil where earthworms are most abundant just below the surface.

Although moles do not feed on turf grasses they cause destruction by undermining the root system of plants and crops which affect growth.

Lawns develop ridges making the ground uneven and the grass will often die off due to the disturbance caused whilst excavating their shallow runs.

Stones bought to the surface by moles excavating in fields can cause inconvenience to farm machinery, cattle feed can become unusable due to soil contamination and bacteria affecting silage quality and their burrows can even lead to subsidence especially in lighter soils. Even small populations of moles can do considerable damage.

Problem sites that we have cleared to date have included:-

  • Golf Courses & Cricket Clubs
  • School Playing Fields
  • Country Parks & Estates
  • Sports Grounds
  • County Councils
  • Equestrian Centres
  • Rural Business Parks
  • Farmland
  • Local Council
  • Private Gardens